A Prayer for You, for Perfect Health, Peace of Mind, and Peace in Your Heart
by Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP
I address this Prayer to Spirit Eternal – The all-powerful and all-knowing Presence. This Spirit is Love; This Spirit is Peace. Know with me that this Spirit Presence is also Health and Well Being, as well as Safety and Understanding! What I also know is that this Spirit is a Powerful Presence in the now. So, I ask you to join me now, in this very moment, as I choose to address this prayer to Spirit Eternal. As I am one with Spirit; you are one with Spirit. We are all one with this Spirit Essence.
As I say yes to the knowing that Spirit will provide health, peace of mind, and peace in your heart, I affirm for you, that health and healing that is a perfect expression of Spirit. With this prayer, all fear falls away in the knowing that all is well as we are held in safety and understanding. I also affirm that this Peace surpasses all understanding as we experience deep love, healing, and perfection.
I give thanks, and I release this prayer to the Divine Universe knowing that it is heard and fulfilled. My heart is filled with gratitude as I acknowledge these gifts of Grace. I place this gratitude and appreciation into the action of the Law, letting go and letting Spirit provide. I direct the Power of the word to the Law and let it work with full conviction of faith. This is my prayer for you. I know that it is done, as I believe.
And so it is.