Tilia Giron, RScP

A Prayer of Gratitude

A Prayer of Gratitude
by Tilia Giron, RScP

This is a prayer of Gratitude.

Gratitude because I know the truth of That Which is. And I know that That Which Is is Itself True, Proven, Law and Divine. As Such, It is Love and Right Action hand in hand. And Love and Right Action never fail. As we are all one with That Which Is, what is true for me is true for you or anyone reading this. As such, It is always and always present right here in this very moment for us.

And I celebrate. Truly, I am ecstatic for I know the truth of the matter. I know where my truth comes from. And I know for myself and for you that all we have to do is recognize the issue, any issue, trust in That Which Is and turn it over completely and let it go. And I vow – me the all-time count-on fix-it girl – to totally and completely let it go. In so doing, it – whatever the issue is – no longer remains an issue to be done. It is ALREADY done. Already taken care of. Already solved in the mind of God.

I am so grateful. I am so absolutely grateful. For I know the truth. And I know it with all of my being. I know that my God takes care of my good if I but follow the path of scientific prayer, if I believe, If I trust, if I turn it over and then accept the blessing – which invariably turns out to be either my heart’s desire or better. And I declare right here right now that any issue that is turned over to God in this spirit is done in the mind of God. I release my word for me and for you as prayer for I know the power of the word, of the release. I know the power in the trust, I know the power of the prayer that does all this for I have seen the power of the Law. And it is incontrovertible. It cannot be denied. I am so blessed. And so are you. I am so gratified and so so grateful.

I release my word into law on your behalf and mine.
And so it is.