A Prayer of Gratitude

A Prayer of Gratitude
by Marilyn O’Leary

Every prayer reminds me that I am One with Divine Spirit,

Today my prayer is “Thank You.”

In my sense of oneness with Spirit, I know all is well.

I have the awareness that nothing is wrong.

I am grateful for my body, for its health. Every part of my body is working exactly as it should for my health and wholeness.

My arms and legs, back and all my muscles are pain-free.

Every organ and system in my body is in harmony and each one benefits the others.

My mind is at peace. I think thoughts of peace and calm — a calm lake, being surrounded by loving family and friends. 

I am whole and I feel at one with all beings.

I am thankful for recognizing the truth of this and for being able to rest peacefully in the arms of Spirit, knowing that now is a time to rest.

Thank you, Spirit, for all I have, for all I am, for all that has been given to me, and for all that I can contribute to the world.