A Universal Treatment for Peace of Mind

A Universal Treatment for Peace of Mind
Alicia Hanlen, Practitioner Emeritus
Taos Study Group – RGCSL

Recognizing that there is only One Source, One Heart, One Mind expressing here, I know that every aspect of life is an expression of the One. And I recognize that I am one with the One Source, and that each and every one of us is together in this Oneness. And how wonderful that is to behold! So as I feel and know this Source as the energy all around, I am comforted. I see all of us in our innocence and purity, as God’s precious children. I see and know us all in and as our innate divinity. And I absolutely know for each of us that all is well, as we turn to those angels which surround and protect us each and every day on this precious earthly journey. Fully trusting these angels of wisdom and guidance, we listen, hear and understand what needs to be known. We fully embrace this path to ever-unfolding peace of mind and well being. Any concerns or anxieties simply fade away, leaving us feeling refreshed, relaxed, and re-focused. We breathe in peace, and it stills our mind. We breathe in joy, and it activates our desire for an abundant life. We breathe in love, and feeling this love, we know with absolute certainty that all is well. Guided by Spirit to what steps to take for this perfect unfoldment of peace in our hearts and minds, we are grateful. Grateful for all the ways that the Divine shows up, even those that may appear to be challenging. Seeing Universal Peace, through the eyes of the Divine, in gratitude, I release these words into Infinite Law, knowing that right here and right now it is done. And so it is.