Abundance for RGCSL

Abundance for RGCSL
by Chris Duvall, RScP

On behalf of RGCSL, its Ministers, Board of Directors, and Community, I invoke an Absolute Knowing of Innate Abundance along with Firm Belief in an Innate Ability to attract Good. To the extent that a change in perspective and experience is needed, I invoke the Highest, most Unifying, most Loving Newness-Producing Activity now. I am humbly aware that such Activity insists upon highest integrity and alignment; therefore, on behalf of me/us, I invoke the willingness to gently release (as completely as possible) any personal and collective mental, emotional, physical, dynamics of lower vibratory nature that may be obstructing the energetic flow of abundance. I declare that RGCSL is now surrounded, infilled, unified, and lifted in Brilliant White Love-filled Light. Only Good comes to RGCSL; only Good goes from RGCSL.

I attune RGCSL to Divine messages that Unity-Wisdom-Love-Provision is communicating now. I declare RGCSL is willing and able to receive, engage, and evolve with the messages. I bless all decisions and activities helping RGCSL clarify its needs and desires in alignment with Divine Wholistic Purpose. I bless decisions and processes supporting RGCSL’s purity and readiness to utilize the good gifts now desiring to flow through the community. I bless the time it takes. I bless RGCSL’s persistent consciousness of light and love. I give thanks for Wise Guidance, for perfectly aligned decisions and actions taken. I bless the Divine Nurture and Sustenance RGCSL receives, integrates, shares. I gratefully accept all the blessings flowing, manifesting, fulfilling RGCSL’s needs/desires for the Good of All. As I release this prayer into the inevitability of Spiritual Law, I honor I give thanks for Divine Action upon all our prayers. And, so it is.