Abundant Expectancy

Abundant Expectancy
by Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner Emeritus
Taos Study Group – RGCSL

“The greatest gift Life could have made to you is yourself. You are a spontaneous, self-choosing center in Life, in the great drama of being, the great joy of becoming, the certainty of eternal expansion. You could not ask for more and more could not have been given.” – Dr. Ernest Holmes

Oh dear Life eternal, I feel your presence right here and right now, and I am lifted up! For this precious Life is filled to the brim with absolutely everything — all of the health and wholeness, the love and joy, the peace and prosperity. What more could one want other than the very breath that we take? Even in moments of seeming lack, I can always turn to gratitude for all that I have. Can you look at your experience of Life and see all of the good — in family, friends, beautiful environment, wonderful home, and our beloved Science of Mind philosophy? The earth and sky are resplendent in their beauty with countless areas of beauty, the stars and the moon. Take a moment right now and just feel the energy expanding your lungs. See Rio Grande CSL with all of its energy, people, and resources. Breathe it in and allow yourself to enjoy this simple moment of peace. Knowing that Life provides for all of our needs, we expect to live fully, yet simply. Give of yourself – of your time, talent and treasures to spread the bounty of life to all of your fellow beings of light. Know with me now that life is good and very good, as we say together ‘Praise God’. And so it is.