Allow the Awakening
by Alicia Hanlen, Practitioner Emeritus
Taos Study Group
As I turn within, I feel and accept the very Presence of God as my center and my circumference. For the Infinite Life lives, moves, and breathes me moment by moment, and I am filled with grace. Grace is a mystery which I joyfully accept, as I simply allow that which comes to me as a gift. The gift may come clothed in bright and beautiful wrapping paper, topped with a large bow. Or perhaps the gift seems like something stuck to the bottom of your shoe — something that you’d rather not have to deal with. But what a joy it is when we accept it all as being a part of our perfect unfoldment, and we stand ready to explode with our own precious spiritual awakening!
In this moment, I open my heart, mind and very soul to everything that comes my way, allowing it to grow me to the fullest expression of my being. I feel the love of the Universe encircling my being as I embrace it fully. I see and know that Life brings us so many blessings, both those that are easily recognizable as well as the hidden gems. Gratitude for all of life is front and center in my consciousness, as I completely and totally allow the awakening of my soul as it moves me along on my journey. Indeed, I am blessed and grateful as I release my word into the immutable Law, accepting and knowing that it is done, here, now, and always. And so it is.