Authorized Distributors of Thought!
by Maria Dion, RScP
In The Art of Life, Ernest Holmes writes about the use of thought. He likens it to an engineer, who when wishing to convert the energy of coal, wood, wind, etc, is not using will power. Rather: “He is using conscious decision coupled with the definite knowledge of the energy with which he is dealing.” He goes on to say: “…thoughts and ideas… are mechanical instruments of the mind, which generate and distribute and Power that already exists. The statements you make are not made for the purpose of convincing the Power. They are made for the purpose of distributing It. The only thing you have to convince is your own thought. The only thing you have to convert is your own unbelief. The only obstruction you will meet is in your own imagination. There is nothing that can keep you from using this Power but yourself.”
It can be said that we are all Authorized Distributors of Thought! Why not put that on your business card!
There is only one Power, one Presence, and I call it God. God is in, around and through everything in existence. It is the creative force that is in back of everything. It is the Mother-Father God, it is the loving Presence which fosters, encourages, and creates all things, all places and all times. And this Force, this Presence is so powerful. It is self-creating, and everything that it creates is created from that great Love that it is. This Love is woven into the fabric of all beings as Harmony, Prosperity, Focus, Vibrant Life, Peace and Joy.
I gratefully acknowledge the presence of Love in all things, and I unify with that Love. As I am a part of all that is, I know that Love is the substance that is the foundation of who I am. How could it be any different? Love vibrates through every part of my being. That God-vibration in me is the Life, the Harmony, the Wisdom, the Focus, the Peace and the Prosperity of God and I align in this moment with those qualities. And just as I align with those qualities, I know that each person reading these words is unified with Divine Harmony and Wisdom, Peace of Mind, Focused Intent, Vibrant Health and Prosperity.
I affirm and declare that everything unfolds in a magical way. I trust the guidance of Spirit always and in all ways. I am clear and focused, devoted to my intentions for this year. I am a loving, harmonious presence. I am aligned with my vision and propelled into creating that vision with magnificent focus. Every action I take, and every interaction I have is in integrity with the pure focus that I have created. And I know this for each person reading this treatment. The manifestations we wish to realize, whether they be vibrant health, improved relationships, greater supply, deeper spiritual connection, are making their way right now. Nothing can derail or distract me, for I am clear in my faith. I know the Truth: my intentions are manifested and my good is attracted to me for I am in harmony with my good! I see it, I know it, I feel it and I accept it!
I am so grateful to know the truth. I am grateful for the opportunity to explore and teach Science of Mind. I give great thanks for the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, for our loving, ever-expanding community. I am grateful for the action of the Law upon my words, for it is as though I speak into a canyon, and the Law echoes back the perfect manifestation, in a way grander and more beautiful than I could have imagined.
I now release this word, knowing that it is complete and done.
And so it is!