Believing and Living the B’s of Spirituality
by Carol S. Helms, RScP
“It is unto me as I believe.”
How good it is to know that God is always everywhere present; just waiting for us to notice, to pause and contemplate all the blessings that are also always everywhere present.
Today, I live, move and have my being in the beauty and business of God; showing up in the world calling forth the beauty and business of God to come forth and express in, as, for and through me; forever unfolding in perfection without exception.
Today, I say yes, God, and align myself with the bold, beautiful and brave of God that is the essence of each of us, calling forth the brave, beautiful and bold to bravely, beautifully and boldly show up in the Universe for the greater good, the common good, the highest good of all Creation, forever unfolding in perfection.
Today, I live in the breath and breadth of God, the bounty and boundlessness of God and the blessings and balance of God; knowing God is breathing me, living me, walking me, praying me; eagerly ready, willing and able to share the unlimited bounty and boundlessness of the Universe that is there for each of us and all of us; and thanking God for the beautiful gifts of blessing and balance that live within me, waiting to be called forth and bless me and restore me to balance 24-7-365.
Today, I welcome and embrace beyond limits with God; knowing the impossibility of lack and limitation, I affirm God in me is abundant, prosperous and beyond human limitations.
Today is indeed an opportunity to bask in the blessed B’s of God, and share them with all that cross our collective and individual paths and minds. Join me on this path of blessings!
And so it is!