Carol Helms, RScP

Contemplating Ideas; Affirming Lint

Contemplating Ideas; Affirming Lint
by Carol S. Helms, RScP

Carol Helms, RScP

Moved by this morning’s reading about ideas, instead of jumping up and into the have-to routine, I decided to sit with and contemplate the idea of ideas. The thought of thinking about ideas invoked a nebulous nudge to my consciousness; a recognition that, like lint, always free-floating all around me, completely oblivious to and unlimited by my insistence and ineffective concepts of time and space. Caught up in the chains of time and space, it occurred to me that I ignore, or otherwise fail to notice, the infinite supply of ideas that surround me. Hurriedly searching for an unnamed, unformed “something,” I look right through the myriad of ideas that are subconsciously perceived as lint, dust…an irritant in the air…something to be brushed off, or even cursed, for blocking my view of an unidentified purpose and passion; an evasive collage of who, what, where, when, why; and of course, the illusive “Waldo” how. Today, I decided to let the lint light on my shoulder, walk with me to my heart space and have coffee.

Some would call this “monkey mind;” I call it one of those holy nudges and a reminder of the power of contemplation and meditation. I am reminded that God is everything, everything, and everything is Good, and I affirm the value of the great Everything, including Lint, and recognize it as an opportunity to look for and at the lint – the Divine Ideas – constantly floating around me, reminding me that everything and everyone is made of God’s essence and in God’s image, even lint. It’s kind of a fun meme on “stop and smell the roses.”

So today I consciously recognize God in all things, and I remember my shared essence with the Creator and all creations. I’m able to see and affirm the value in All That Is. And for that I am grateful. Have lint-full day! And so it is!