Divine Perfection
by Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director
Divine perfection reveals Itself everywhere. In each moment Perfection is oozing from the pours of creation. How grateful I am to be able to witness this and to know that perfection is the Truth of myself and of each one. Each of us walks as Divine Perfection on this journey of life.
Knowing this to be true I know that all is in perfect order. Nothing can be “wrong” for everything is that perfection. Each physical body breathes and moves and continues to recreate itself in the image of that Perfection held deep within. Each spiritual being is revealing and blessing the world with this perfection at each new moment. We walk in the wonder of who we really are!
So I walk in gratitude knowing that the words that flow through me are simply that perfection expressing Itself. How grateful I am to be that space and how grateful I am to simple allow that Perfection to fully express right now!
And so it is!!