Divine Source
by Marylyn Kirk, RScP
The divine source of everything is present everywhere and is all knowing. The divine creates through me as I am part of the divine. I am blessed with wisdom, energy, intelligence, and the creative power of Spirit. I refuse to worry about anything. I have complete confidence that the God who is always with me is able and willing to direct everything I do, to control my affairs, to lead me into the pathway of peace and happiness.
From this awareness, I open my consciousness and silently draw into my experience expanding vitality, health, joy, prosperity, and harmony. Everything I think, say and do is accelerated into right action, into productive action and into increased action. I now discard and release all ideas to the contrary, and I experience complete wholeness. Worry is a thing of the past, and I am free, peaceful, and at rest. All the good there is, is mine now!
With a thankful heart and mind, I accept and express these words of faith. God guides me in every way and new horizons of joyous living continuously open up before me. I am grateful.
I release and let it go, knowing that IT IS DONE! And so it is.