What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment?
Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living
This Sunday, November 10th, 2013
10 AM
Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister
Rev. Martha surveyed the congregation to find out what topics they wanted to hear about on Sunday morning. Congregants sent in over 80 suggestions. All of the talks this fall are directly taken from the survey and dedicated to the people who come to the Sunday Service. To all of the congregants and visitors, thank you for creating a world-class spiritual community with your presence, your talent, and your treasure. You have already changed the world.
“How to Conquer a Guilt Complex“
The human mind is a strange mixture of joy and morbidity. Most of us have had so many negative and unhappy experiences that it seems almost too good to be true that this can change; that our lives can be different. Join Rev. Martha on Sunday as we talk about how we learn to find happiness in our everyday experiences.
Susan Clark, Music Director
Susan Clark is joined by
Lewis Winn on guitar/bass guitar and Jay Blea on drums/percussion
The Daily Meditation 11.10.2013
Each Veteran Lives in Peace
Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister
I dedicate this prayer to every man and woman who are or have been in the military. Thank you, Veterans, for your service.
God is Love. The Energy of God, that which precedes anything, is Love and it is carried in Light. From that Light, comes Life, and from that Life, comes creativity and everything else. God is All There Is, and I am certain the Life of Knowing originates in that Great I Am. I Am is Love, Peace, Happiness, Goodness, Truth, Reality, and Happiness.
The mere thought of Love aligns God and me. I am so wholly and perfectly aligned that anything unlike Love falls away. I, too, am love, peace, happiness, goodness, truth, reality, and happiness. I am the conduit for my life and from this vantage point of love, my life expands to include the highest and best for myself and others.
As I know this for me, I know this for all men and women who serve or have served in the military. Each person is so wholly and perfectly aligned that anything unlike Love falls away. Each person is protected and that circle of protection extends all around him and her and as far as their families. Each are love, peace, happiness, goodness, truth, reality, and happiness.
I speak my word on behalf of all veterans. Peace is the operative word and is the experience that each feels right here and now. That peace is the basis for a life well-lived and for the creation of a goodness so deep and profound, it cannot be denied. If forgiveness of self and others is in order, then it is done. All are forgiven their transgressions. Health reigns and abundance serves them. I am certain of this.
I give thanks for all of it. I give thanks for the goodness of Life and for all of the Veterans who have served our country. I give thanks that each of these Veterans have everything they need and that peace is a central component in their lives. I am so grateful.
It is with gratitude that I release my word knowing it is done. And So It Is.
Rev Martha Quintana is Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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Prayer Request Email
The Spiritual Practitioners of the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual now offer a Prayer Email. The prayer email address is prayer@rgcsl.org . You may leave a prayer request or, if you want to pray directly with a Practitioner, leave your name and number and a Practitioner will call between 8am and 9 p.m.
What We Teach
We teach the Science of Mind, which is the study of Life and the nature of the laws of thought; the idea that we live in a Spiritual Universe; that God or Spirit is in, through, around us; and that this Presence is a loving source of all Good.
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living
VISION Connecting Community Through Spirit!
MISSION We recognize that an inherent desire in every individual is to realize the person God intended us to be. As we realize our true God selves, the greatest gift we can give another is to support him or her in becoming that God person too.
Most important, every man, woman and child who lives in the Universe is significant to the Creator. Our doors will forever be open to all…