The Ooze
by Rev, Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director
Starting with gratitude I am amazed that everything is contained in Spirit. All that is, was, or ever will be is born out of the same ooze of life. This “ooze” of the Universe is the “ooze” of my life, the “ooze” of all life. We are complete in thie “ooze” as we express the life of Spirit as us.
I know and trust in this moment that this is the only moment. There is no separation between now, past, and present. Right now I get to decide my fate. Right now I get to express with a sincerity and a power beyond anything before. I can be the person of Spirit’s dreams, refreshed and renewed in every moment. All that has been true up until now is the foundation on which this now is supported. Those places of discomfort propel us forward to reveal something more, something more beautiful, something more satisfying, something more than we thought. Right now I choose the clarity of Spirit in this moment. I embrace it, I trust it, and I give thanks for it.
And so It is!