Rev. Kamatara Johnson

For the LEAP Day

For the LEAP Day
by Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

“Let this be the day that you LEAP into the life you’re meant to live!”

I take this moment to raise my awareness of the presence of the One Loving Source. I know that everything I can see, hear, feel, think, know, do, have, be…is an expression of that One Loving Source and so are you! All that I know to be life and even beyond what I can understand is that something sacred, the Infinite expressing in the here and now.

On this particular day, LEAP DAY, I know that all things are possible. As time seems to expand this month, this year with a bonus day, I know there are no limits to time and no limits to me. I expand my perceptions, my beliefs, and my faith.  I push the pioneering edge of myself to express more joy, more love, more compassion, and more grace. This is an extra day to appreciate the abundance of my life, my relationships, my wellness, my opportunities, my finances, and my community. I use this extra day to its fullest and connect with the Infinite potential of myself and this beautiful thing called life.

So I boldly take a leap of faith today, surrendering it all to the Divine and knowing that my day, my experience, my being is filled with good and more good in the expanse of the One Loving Source. And so it is.