Freedom from Fear and Worry
by Marylyn Kirk, RScP
I stop, reconnect and accept the quietness of Spirit. I align myself with that loving Source that knows only good. I take in the “Allness” that is the One Power, One Presence, flowing through all things knowing that It dwells in me. I expand my thoughts to include more than just my surroundings or my circumstances. The Infinite Spirit that is the cause and core of everything is much bigger than my life or where I live. I recognize that Spirit is so much more than politics or any other troubles I could focus upon. No! I re-direct my thoughts to the light within me, the very representation of Spirit itself. I align myself with positive thoughts, seeking to recognize the Infinite Presence in all things, in all people, in all circumstances.
I send out a blessing to everyone I see today. I bless our country. I bless our legislators. I bless all the drivers around me. I bless my family, co-workers and friends. I send love and peace to all. I forgive myself for not being perfect and know that every time I shift from unpleasant or unhappy thoughts and replace them with the knowing that I am well cared for and protected, that I am contributing to the good of everyone.
I erase complaining from my consciousness. I shift my thoughts from the past and stand in the present time, affirming my good. I release the temptation to make up stories about how and why others act the way they do. I return to the understanding that all is sacred, all is divine. I claim solutions to all of life’s problems or challenges, knowing that all is well.
I am grateful for the Science of Mind. I am grateful that I am still learning. I release all attachments to outcomes, knowing that in the Mind of God, all is Perfect.
With gratitude, I release my words to the Action of the Law.
And so it is.