Rev. Kamatara Johnson

Future Possibility

Future Possibility
by Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

“Isn’t there a way to break the patterns of the past and tune into our highest future possibility–and to begin to operate from that place?” C. Otto Scharmer

There is but One Loving Source here, expressing in and as all things. This Divine Essence is Infinite and Unprecedented in every moment as it expresses anew yet again. And knowing this is all there is, I must then be an expression of that One Loving Source, the Divine Essence in the here and now in me, through me, as me. And so I am infinite and unprecedented in every moment as well. I can express anew yet again. I know for myself a falling away of that which no longer serves my best and highest good and a coming forth of what’s perfect for me in my life. I “break the patterns of my past and tune into my highest future possibility and begin to operate from that place” as if it were already because it is being born of me now.

Free and clear of my past baggage and blockage, the floodgates are open for all the good to express, to embody the full force of the Divine expressing as me. I welcome all the good and all the God that is just waiting to be recognized and lived. And I am grateful for this realization, to let it all go and allow the Divine to take over more deeply than ever before. I appreciate that I can change consciously, so I do right now and choose another way. I give thanks for all the blessings that are already coming out of this new way of being.

So I let this prayer go, knowing that all is in Divine Right Order in my life now as I am constantly growing into my highest future possibility. I welcome this expansion and know it is done. And so it is.