Garbage In Garbage Out

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What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment?

Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living

Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living

This Sunday, March 24th, 2013

10 AM

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minster

Calling Spirit Right Into Our Lives!

Affirmative prayer or treatment is a way to change our lives for the better. When we believe in ourselves and have faith that our experience can be different, it can.  Really.  Declare it.  Accept it.  Join Rev. Martha for the best prayer ever.  Music Director Susan Clark is joined by Guest Musicians Honeyhouse!  We celebrate today.


Music by Susan Clark

Music Director Susan Clark is joined by

Lewis Winn on guitar/bass guitar and Jay Blea on drums/percussion

March 24th will be “Bring a Friend to RGCSL Day!”

And for our special musical guests on that day we will have hONEyhoUSe

(Hillary Smith, Yvonne Perea and Mandy Buchanan)

For more info on hONEyhoUSe, visit


Mark your calendars for our special musical guest, Michael Mandrell, on Easter Sunday, 3/31.

Michael will also be doing a concert at the Event Center on 4/5, with 20% of the proceeds going to RGCSL! 

The Daily Meditation 03.19.2013

Garbage in Garbage out

As I start the day, it is so reassuring to know that God is in and through me always. God has created me so that I might experience Life for God. We are inseparable.
I may pretend at times that this is not true, but as I do this, God’s Law is still working perfectly. It creates for me exactly that which I dwell upon. If I put garbage in then I should not be surprised when garbage comes out. 
God’s Law does my bidding and it is my responsibility and choice as to the outcome I want to manifest. If I allow myself to think into the Law thoughts that are small or negative, then the Law has no choice but to manifest only smallness and negativity.
Since I am One with God and God’s Law will dutifully manifest anything that I think into it, I must be watchful of my thinking. There is a quote in this philosophy that says, “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life”. It is a simple statement but with dramatic implications. 
If I only think about what my heart’s desire is, then God’s Law must manifest that desire. 
I give Thanks to God for creating such a magnificent system. It is a blessing and I am so grateful. 
And So It Is. 

Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico

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Prayer Request Email

The Spiritual Practitioners of the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual now offer a Prayer Email. The prayer email address is . You may leave a prayer request or, if you want to pray directly with a Practitioner, leave your name and number and a Practitioner will call between 8am and 9 p.m.

What We Believe

What We Teach

We teach the Science of Mind, which is the study of Life and the nature of the laws of thought; the idea that we live in a Spiritual Universe; that God or Spirit is in, through, around us; and that this Presence is a loving source of all Good.

Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living

Connecting community to Spirit!

We recognize that an inherent desire in every individual is to realize the person God intended us to be. As we realize our true God selves, the greatest gift we can give another is to support him or her in becoming that God person too.

Most important, every man, woman and child who lives in the Universe is significant to the Creator. Our doors will forever be open to all…

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