Go Ahead, Shine
by Chris Duvall, RScP
There’s a way to turn
without losing your balance …
raise your self by your Self
at dawn. Go ahead.
Shine in the morning sky.
~Ellen Grace O’Brian, “The Moon Reminded Me”
I acknowledge the One Life that lives in me. It is the Source of all life, the Cause of freedom and joy. It is Grace dissolving what no longer serves, in mind, body, and conditions. It opens the flow of Light and Love. I invite That Life to be my presence, power, and understanding today.
As I accept freedom and joy, I also accept what Ellen Grace O’Brian calls “restraints and observances,” in order to live in harmonious right relationship. Here is her list of “underlying principals seen through the lens of enlightened prosperity” from her book, the Jewel of Abundance ~ Finding Prosperity through the Ancient Wisdom of Yoga, pp 156-157.
- Nonharming – for harm of another, harms ourselves.
- Truthfulness – in thought, speech and action.
- Nonstealing – as stealing reveals an underlying belief in lack, which negates prospering.
- Right use of vital force – with conscious connection to Source’s flow of energy.
- Nonattachment – to things, events, the past.
- Purity – a clarified body, mind, and lifestyle focuses on a higher purpose.
- Contentment – a peaceful, satisfied mind reveals inherent happiness.
- Self-discipline – of body and mind leads to Self-actualization.
- Self-inquiry – leads to experiencing and knowing Truth directly.
- Self-surrender – as arrival at the Self does not happen by effort or will.
I am grateful for a life of love, lived through doing the personal and relational work it takes for authentic peace to reign. I am grateful for Divine Love doing this work through me and all who will.
I release this prayer into the inevitability of Spiritual Law. I know it is done. And, so it is.