Goodness All Around

Goodness All Around
by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP

There is Goodness all around me. I am enveloped in it. It is Love, it is Peace, it is Calm. I live in a place of calm, peace and purpose, and know that if I am compassionate and generous I will experience Goodness in my life and I will bring it to all of those I meet.

I am well. my body feels well. I live in my world of peace and wellness.

I am steady. I am solid. I am love.

I use my unique gifts to bless the world. I receive as I give.

I am steady and stalwart, not from hoping, but hope can be a part of it;not because I’m positive, but being positive can be part of it; but from knowing that God is in me, I am part of God, It acts in, as and through me. I am a force for Peace and Calm. I am Love. I am an instrument of Spirit.

And so it is.