Gratitude for the Gift

Gratitude for the Gift
by Tilia Giron, Chaplain and RScP

Tilia Giron, RScP

Thank You Spirit.
Thank you for showing me that when I
Pay attention and I listen,
I allow the goodness that is potentially
There to spring forward and to manifest. And it happens

Because I allow. Because
I am not rushing forward with
All my goals, objectives and checklists
And all my energy in all haste to get “the thing’
Done. It is because I give

Into the space and allow
That which is in the space to
Come forward to meet, greet
and, therein, bless me. I am so lucky. I
Am so fortunate. And all I am
Doing is allowing. It seems

That somehow, I have stumbled onto a great
A great blessing. At least,

It was a mystery to me. The
Mystery was that by simply allowing,
Not rushing into it – for a change, I must admit –

I gave the space permission and an opening
To present itself to me, and, thereby,
Unfold itself and
Present whatever it had
To offer me. And it had a gift

Supreme. It had the gift of perfection of the
Thing that it held. Plus…plus
It gave great Peace and an Inner Contentment
With a sense of Fullness, all of which combined
Or singularly, I have seldom
I am so grateful.