Harmony with the Soul

Harmony with the Soul
by Chris Duvall, RScP

“Self-discipline is doing what is in harmony with the soul.” – Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brien

New Year’s resolutions often require self-discipline to exchange less healthy habits for healthier ones, sometimes with restrictive energy.  O’Brien opens a different way. She says self-discipline is liberating when it is in harmony with the soul, does what one’s essence wants, or makes a conscious choice to enable purer self-expression and higher inspiration to flow through the body, mind, and emotions. 

I like that perspective and am connecting her soulful self-discipline to a process of exchange.  Just as Life ebbs and flows, engages and releases; ideas, forms, practices, or habits are not permanent. They come into being through us and can be surrendered back to Source. 

As I consider our times in which great loss has visited so many, I wonder, what is worth disciplining myself to do?  In which habits shall I find harmony with the way of Life?  What oldness can I release so newness may formulate? What gift can I offer to enhance my own and others’ soul-joy?

I offer this New Year’s blessing:

May our resolutions attune to soul’s desires. May they be easily and joyfully fulfilled through the power of Love for the sake of Life.