Highest and Best

Highest and Best
by Chris Duvall, RScP

Breathing in, I acknowledge Divine Life as the All in which I live, move and have being.  Breathing out, I clear that which no longer serves Divine Purpose in, as, and through me. Breathing in and out, I honor Oneness as I accept clarity of vision, purity of heart, and unity with Highest Self.

I exchange appearances of inflexibility for movement, attachment for freedom, boredom for aliveness, inaction for accomplishment, and separation for deeply connected presence.  I declare that only good comes to me, and only good goes from me. As this is true for me, it can be true for all.  I direct Highest and Best to further surround and infill RGCSL.  I intend that Rev. Gil, the staff, practitioners, board, every service team and individual experience Light and Love. Everything that is needed is received. Enlivened creativity flows freely.  I fan this Flame within and around all spiritual communities, that they may see and be Light as Divine Purposes easily express through them.

I give thanks for Light-filled visionary action and for spiritual masters who transmute harm into good. As I release this prayer into Spiritual Law, I give thanks that Divine Life is acting upon it.  And, so it is.