I Give It to You Spirit
by Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP
I give it all to you Spirit. I turn it all over. Especially, I give you gratitude for I recognize the love and the good and the kind and the caring and the light and the gifts that abound in and around me all of the time. And I also give all the stuff that I don’t even know I’m carrying. I particularly give the energy of worry or heaviness that may accompany me without my knowing. I choose to release this right now into Divine Hands even if I don’t know exactly what it is that I’m releasing. I don’t need to.
All I need is Godness and Love. And this I have in super-abundance. I cherish the realization that the Divine Presence is always with me and always around me and always supporting me and always loving me more than I could even begin to imagine.
So much so that I am never really on the wrong path, for even what looks like wrong is simply another avenue to love and light. It may have more stones, but I learn more that way and I am richer and poised to now flow forward more smoothly.
And so I choose Spirit and I choose trust and I choose turning everything over to Spirit so that I can walk in the light, in the love, in the sunshine and the brightness, and in the fullness of that extraordinary wondrous light of Divine Spirit that surrounds me all the time. I embrace It and allow It to flood my entire being with Its brilliance and Its radiance, so much so that It overflows in every direction.
This is my choice for today: overflowing Divine love, amazing light, brightness, evolvement, all the love, shine, and sparkle and all the strength and courage, consciousness of the Divine and presence that is conceivably possible this day. And I speak this prayer for myself, on behalf of each one of us, and all of our brothers and sisters. I am so grateful for this moment, this light and this knowing.
I release my word knowing that what is spoken here is done even before we have finished speaking, this Beloved Goodness out of incredible Divine Love only says yes to us. Such love! So incredibly blessed we are. And so it is!