I Know I am a Member of Its Wholeness

I Know I am a Member of Its Wholeness
Chris Duvall, RScP

I recognize Divine Essence, Itself free of any material condition. It is That Which Is Prior To form. It is Creative, Source Energy, ever renewing Itself, ever moving, ever flowing, ever new, eternally now. As I recognize It and harmonize with It, allowing and cooperating with Its Sacred intentions and processes, I feel It rushing to me and responding to me. I know It is eternally for me, desiring only my good, only my highest and best, and that It is absolutely trustworthy and supportive. I gladly unify my vision, mind, heart, soul, and word with It. I know I am a member of Its Wholeness, that It is never absent from me, and that I am always in an inseparable, safe, mutual relationship with It.

In absolute trust, I surrender to Divine Love anything in myself which may be out of harmony with Divine Presence, Power, and Intelligence. I let go of past woundedness, false belief, wrong judgment, controlling insistence, and emotional holding. Feelings of fear and insufficiency dissolve and dissipate as I focus solely on Light and Love, opening myself to be to filled and healed in all aspects of my being, leaving me free, clear, open, and ready to receive great good, according to the deepest desires of my heart and the highest evolvement of my soul. I now rise into the authority of my High and Holy Royal Self and command into law that good which I desire for myself and all others. I declare perfect health, prosperity, loving authentic relationships, protection, support, and divine guidance in all my choices and decisions. I praise Divine Love, which is now doing the work in the manifestation of all these intentions, which I now place into Spiritual Law.

Thank you God. And so it is.

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