I Reconnect With Divine Purpose
by Rev. Kamatara Johnson
I take this moment to deepen my awareness of the One Loving Source, the All-that-Is, what I choose to call God. There is only One God, One Life, One Love, expressing in everyone, everything, everywhere, and all the time–past, present, and future. Truly God is all there is, as all of life is Divine!
And so I recognize that I am an expression of the Divine that lives, moves, and has Its being through me, in me, as me. This is my true nature. I am aligned with the Divine that is the Presence and Power within! There is no separation.
Knowing this Sacred Connection of all to the All, I claim peaceful and cheerful acceptance of my life’s path. Way leads onto way, but all ways are of God. Change is the natural state of the universe and I am supported by the Divine through every change. With mindfulness of the Divine, patience is easy and natural. Peace is in the moment. Love is the only response. I affirm that all is well as my path unfolds in Divine Right Order. I am exactly where I need to be, so I release any attitudes that do not serve my greater purpose. The Divine is working through me in all I do, which is reason enough for cheer!
I give thanks for this moment to hit the re-set button and reconnect with Divine Purpose, to “clean house” and release anything that doesn’t serve. I’m also so grateful for the loving support of the Divine from whence all peace flows.
And so I let it go and let God do the work. I allow the Universe to make it all happen. I release this prayer to the Law, knowing that it is already manifesting exactly as it should in love and abundance. And so it is!