I Wonder What Will Happen Next
by Rev. Kamatara Johnson
The Centers for Spiritual Living Global Theme for January is all about reconnecting with the wonder that is life. At first, I thought: what an empty platitude. I KNOW. Nature is beautiful, our bodies are a marvel, and if you want to connect with God, then get into AWE by looking around you. And, I was resistant as well because I was feeling melancholy, disappointed by another new year that seemed to have a rough start.
But then I read an article in the Science of Mind Magazine and heard our Sunday speaker and literally pulled my head up out of my funk and saw wonder as if for the first time. I remembered the side of wonder that says, “Wow. I wonder what will happen next?” In that moment, I unplugged from my usual thought addiction of always trying to figure things out and surrendered to the Divine in curiosity…I wonder what will the Divine do next? I don’t have to know how. I just have to know that it is.
And just like that my heart opened, my mind opened, my burden lightened. I set down my yoke that wasn’t even mine to carry. There I was trying to out-God God…again. So I affirm for myself right now that I step into the mystery of the Divine and keep myself open to what God can do. I surrender to the Divine and become an instrument through which the Divine plays out this song in new and curious ways. The possibilities are Infinite and I allow it all to coalesce into the best and highest good for my life, beyond anything my wee self could have engineered or calculated! I reconnect with wonder and hope to live in a state of expectancy and trust the Universe to provide…because it always does.
I am grateful for this realization and shift in my thinking, the way I am functioning. I’m grateful to leave that funk behind that was dragging me down. I appreciate being able to lay my burden down and know it’s not “mine” and it’s not a “burden.” I am free to whatever wonderful bounty comes out of my life now and I wonder what will happen next.
With joy and gratitude, I release this rumination to the One Mind, knowing that all is in Divine Right Order now. I accept, I allow, I give thanks, and I let it be. And so it is.