In the Likeness and Image
by Teresa Greco, RScP
Being able to see myself as I think I am helps me see my self as Spirit sees me. Once I am over berating myself for not being perfect, if I am in Spirit mode, I can advance to the beautiful realization that I am made in the image and likeness of the Universal Intelligence that created me. I get to see my self as a “spiritual being having a human experience”. I get to feel the Creator’s love, kindness and joy wash over me, and then I get to see the oneness I share with this Power of Perfection.
I get to go forth and experience being able to look upon people who see themselves as I sometimes see myself and remind them in a subtle way that they are also made in the image and likeness of Spirit. Sometimes just a simple smile and a kind word to someone who looks like they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders may give them the little boost they need to feel the God/goodness inside of them, and then again, I get to feel that.
I am grateful whenever I feel the oneness with Spirit and look for the opportunities throughout my day to feel gratitude for the gifts of love and abundance that I experience. There are opportunities I miss, but I miss them less and less as I navigate this epidemic. In spite of the nature of the pandemic, there are many moments to be grateful for, and I am.
So, knowing that Spirit is already creating for me the good I desire, I release this with complete confidence and faith. And, so it is.