In the One

In the One
by Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director

All things exist in the One. The ultimate source of all things is the same source that exists as me, exists as all things and all people.

Today I live this life that I have been blessed with in absolute confidence and gratitude. I know that the least productive thing I can do is hinder the flow of perfection that is seeking to express as me. I accept all my life as good. I act with courage knowing that I can only succeed the more fully I show up. I am always living my best life, All that I do shines joy and courage into the lives around me. I am more than I can logically conceive!

So I live this life out loud! I am always embracing what is mine to do with love and gratitude. Peace flows to me, through me and as me. And I let it be!

And so it is.
