Keep our Intentions Clear
by Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner Emeritus
Taos Study Group – RGCSL
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. ~ T. S. Eliot
What is it we want? What are we seeking from this wondrous, divine Life? I believe we are all, at some level, searching for deeper meaning, for expansion from our little self, to the Oneness that is our true nature. So know with me now:
There is but one Life, and that Life is my Life, and your Life right now. And that life contains within Itself all that is beautiful, joyous, and whole. We are that wholeness. We are that beauty and that joy. As we seek out the greater expression of our individual life, we do so with arms and hearts open wide to the exploration of the unknown, that wonderful field of all possibilities and all potential. Let us all start by setting our intentions clearly, not only for ourselves but indeed for all of humanity. I set my intention this day for humanity to wake up and know and express love instead of hatred, unity instead of division, and calmness not chaos. My vision for this day is to see clearly that peace, love, and unity. I know that it starts right here and right now with me, with my intention, and then ripples out into the larger consciousness for one and all. I see that field of pure potential in us all and I declare into the Law that we are expanding and exploring to fulfill that hopeful dream. My heart sings with gladness knowing that it is done, and with gratitude I say, and so it is.