Labor Weekend Prayer

Labor Weekend Prayer
by Chris Duvall, RScP

On this Labor Day weekend, I found myself humming a phrase from an old hymn:

“The work is Thine, O Christ our Lord, the Cause for which we stand.”

Contemplating this gift, I experimented, singing substituted words such as these:

The work is Thine, Christ Consciousness, all else washes away like sand.
The work is Thine, Great Servitor, awaiting my command.
My work: to know my power to speak Thy Way across this land.

I reflected that my work does not prosper …

unless I’m aware and surrendered to God doing the work through me,
unless my labor is aligned with the Divine Way, Truth and Life,
unless I recognize and act from and on behalf of the Unity all is,
unless my word vibrates forth with intentional direction for the Great Servitor.

Understanding this, I invite the reader to join in directing Divine Power do these things:

Soften and align our hearts and minds with Thine.
Provide us with Thy super-substantial bread to nurture, support, & understand.
Make straight all the paths of our lives so Thy Goodness may come forth unobstructed.
Cause us to rejoice in our unity with Thee and all the sacred earth.
Bind mal-intent; mute lies; correct mistaken beliefs; humble egotistical motives.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Replace fear with faith; arouse compassionate mutual care.
Replace weakness with courageous strength; anoint with Thy healing balm.
Renew, transform, & establish institutions that promote Thy Justice and Thy Peace.
Cause Thy will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I am grateful that on this Labor Day, I release and rest in Thy activity; knowing that as we have directed, Divine Power is on the job, clearing, purifying, transforming, renewing, reclaiming, supplying and firmly establishing Its reign of Loving Truth, Harmony and Goodness for this day and all time. Thus, our labor for Divine Causation is full of efficiency, coherence, joyfulness, and freedom. Thus, our world is lifted and blessed.

Thank you God! And so it is.