Many Names

Many Names
by Rev. Karen Linsley, M.A., Interim Minister

God. That one Force. Power. Energy. Many and any names. It really doesn’t matter what I call It. What matters is that I recognize it. And I do. I know this Energy is everywhere present. And that I feel the presence of this Energy within me. And I do. So I acknowledge that presence living in me, working as me. I feel our connection, knowing that I can use and change this Energy simply by virtue of my thoughts and words.

And further more, I know this Energy is Good. I know It is Light. I know It is Peace. There is no need to change my energy on this day because I am feeling the Goodness of God, the Light of God, the Peace of God. I am feeling that every lasting faith moving in and through me, allowing me to always know that because that Energy, that God, is all good, all the time, that everything in my life is also all good, all the time. And from that knowingness I proceed into a joy filled life, one characterized by abundance, joy and goodness.

And so I release my words into that Law that said yes to them before I even spoke them, and with great gratitude I anchor: and so it is!