by Marylyn Kirk, RScP
There is an unlimited, all-powerful, and loving force for good that is always giving itself to all of creation. It is the divine intelligence and the great healing power, creating and renewing the perfection of life. I call this force God or Spirit. You may call it whatever name or title you prefer – the Infinite One, Love, Life, or Allah.
I am a part of this loving force. And so are you. Today I remember that while I am a facet of this brilliant, loving diamond, so is everyone else. Essentially we are all doing our best though it may appear messy at times.
I speak my word today for myself as I untangle the messiness of life. I declare that I am in full agreement with the truth that prayer as a spiritual practice is an effective way to change conditions and effect full healing for me. I am one with the force for good. I am one with life. I accept for myself, for my community, state, and nation complete healing. Every person and every part of my body expresses a greater wholeness.
Freedom from all pain, spiritual, emotional, and physical is my natural state. Perfect ease and grace are being restored in me right now. I accept a complete release of any fear, pain, or belief in delay, lack or limitation. I accept a feeling of deep connection to Spirit and to my family and friends. I know and claim that support is available to me whenever I need it. As I know better, I do better as Maya Angelou said.
I give thanks for the realization of this truth. With great gratitude and acceptance that this is already done in my life, I release this Word into the Law and let it be. And so it is! Amen.