My Life Unfolds Perfectly
Kathy Mathiason, RScP
“Every day and every hour, we are meeting the eternal realities of life, and in such degree as we cooperate with these eternal realities in love, in peace, in wisdom and enjoy – believing and receiving – we are automatically blessed. Our prayer is answered before it is uttered.” Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind
I see God all around me. Everything I see, touch, smell or taste I know is an out picturing of Spirit. It energizes and enlivens everything in the universe.
I am a part of this universe. My being is made in the image and likeness of God. I am one with the One. There is no separation.
So I know that whatever happens in my life, whatever I encounter in my life is God in action. I know that everything I experience is God in Divine right action. This Divine right action is in, as and through me.
So it is with the accepting heart that I praise and bless all events and happenings in my life. I know that they happen on purpose for definite reason, for my own spiritual growth. I placed into Mind what I want in my life, then let go and know that Divine right action is working through me, as me. I look at change that comes in my life not as a challenge but as an opportunity. An opportunity for my faith to grow, for my love to grow, for my willingness to trust in the One true light and love in my life. I release thoughts of lack or limitation, for I know I am blessed in every aspect of my life. I have only to ask the one true Source of all for my needs to be met. And because I believe, and because I ask, it is given unto me. I know that all I need is within me to succeed. I know that with God all things are possible. I have the power, the ideas, and resources to achieve and have a blessed life. Life is good, life is God.
So it is with great joy and great gratitude that I live my life fully, completely, in the love of God. I am so grateful for what I have, what I can do with God.
So I release my word into the Law knowing that as I have spoken it is already done, it already is.
I let it be. And so it is