My Way
by Rev. Karen Linsley, M.A., Interim Minister
Today I am thinking about how I don’t always get my way. I know, right? We don’t always get our way. In fact, at times it has felt as if I NEVER get my way! And with that feeling come associated feelings of dismay, disappointment, frustration. To be honest, it is during times like that that I have temporarily misplaced my faith. What some folks like to call knowingness. I don’t know about you, but I do not like that feeling. At all. On any level. Moving through life without a conviction that things are always coming together and setting up for my highest and best good, well, it’s a pretty bleak feeling. So when I’m feeling betrayed, disappointed, dismayed, frustrated and just plain angry, my first step is to do what I need to do to refresh and renew my faith. I need to get back to that place where I have that knowingness that It is all good, all the time, and that everything is happening in perfect right order and timing. Honestly, how on earth can I expect to venture out into the world and do what is mine to do with dignity and grace unless I first take care of my own negative feelings about a situation? Believe me when I say that I work to keep my faith, my knowingness, for me, so that I can continue to effectively do what is mine to do. And even while writing that, I realize that things have sometimes been so topsy-turvy that I haven’t even been able to discern what is mine to do. Which means more faith. More knowingness. I had a wonderful conversation yesterday with a Practitioner who reminded me of all of this. She was like a breath of fresh air. I may not agree with what is happening. I may even consider it unpleasant and unacceptable, but what I know is that if I have a basic belief that Spirit is everywhere present and all good all the time, then I need to KNOW that with conviction, and from that point, I can then acknowledge that while I may not understand nor agree with what is happening, from my foundation of faith I can move forward in dignity and grace, always knowing the best and highest for everyone involved. And from that place of knowing, I have peace and I act accordingly. So in this time of uncertainty, I do that wonderful form of affirmative prayer which we call treatment:
I know that God is. I see this Force, this Presence, as Light and Energy, both responding to me and supporting me with faith, grace, courage, dignity.
Together we are in a creative dance. All I need to do is remember that always, always, God and I are one.
Moving and creating together in a lovely dance of giving and receiving qualities of power and unconditional love and joy and peace. And from this place of peace I affirm that YES! Everything is indeed happening for the highest and best good of everyone involved! Including and especially myself! I affirm that I am living and moving and breathing in faith, feeling that peace and that power and that joy and most especially, that unconditional love.
And so I breathe easier, releasing this word back into the light and love of God so It can do Its good work, and so I can my good work. I release and know, and all is well, and I am grateful.