Navigating a Path Forward
Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner Emeritus
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living
Taos Study Group
The world unfolds in divine perfection, and I rejoice in my part in it. – Rev. Karin Wilson
As I sit in the silence and allow it to awaken the Presence within, I find myself in alignment with the highest out-picturing of myself. I ask the question, where does my truest direction lead me? Sitting in the quiet of my mind, I simply listen. And God speaks to me. I open up to a wondrous realization that all is well, releasing judgment of whatever may have come before that no longer serves me. I am able to focus on what is real in my life, and know that my inner guidance cannot fail me. It leads me down the pathway, and God opens up doorways to my ever-unfolding good. Each step I take, each action that I feel compelled to follow, leads me effortlessly to exactly where I need to be. My heart soars with joy as I accept that which has been shown to me, shedding any sense of forcing as I turn instead to allowing. Rejoicing with great thanksgiving, I am filled with energy as I stand firmly on my path forward. Life is so good, and I am so blessed. And so it is.