Nothing without Gratitude

Nothing without Gratitude
by Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director

There is nothing without gratitude. Every breath reminds me to be grateful. I exist because of the ever-expanding impulse of Life. This impulse breathes me – it breathes you! We are the very essence of Life experiencing Itself as you and me. There is only Oneness at every turn.

I know, therefore, that truly “all is well.” Life is impulse of the Universe so I know that all is Life. And this Life is always seeking the reveal its fullness as me and as each one. I lean into this Life knowing that I am its revelation. My existence is proof of its desire to fully express as me. So I declare only perfect joy, peace, health, and provision as the truth of my life – the truth of your life!

How incredible that I get to know this and to speak this right here and now. I am filled with awe and gratitude  knowing this. And it is from this place that release this word knowing that it has been done since the beginning of time.

And So It is. Amen