Teresa Greco, RScP

Only This Moment

Only This Moment
by Teresa Greco, RScP

Teresa Greco, RScP

There is only this Moment and this Moment is Spirit.  There is Light and this Light is Spirit.  There can be no darkness in this Light, no evil in this Good.  I am in this Moment with Spirit and know only love.  I am in this Light and know only that I am illuminated by this Power of Perfection.  I am connected to each Moment and there is only peace and harmony and the promise of a life filled with abundance and prosperity.  There is prosperity in everything I say and do and only good comes to me because I know that Spirit resides within.  I listen to the quiet, Melodic Voice that nurtures my thoughts, words. and actions and I go about my day confident in my experiences.  My words and actions are prayers that lovingly comfort those who need comforting.

I am grateful to be blessed by a life filled with joy and know that there is always a Spiritual Companion with me.  Because of this I walk in the Light in this Moment with absolute certainty that all is well.

In this certainty, I release my word knowing it is done, it is so, and so it is.