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What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment?
Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living
This Sunday, May 19th, 2013
10 AM
Kenneth Winfrey, LMSW
“The Magic of the Soul”
The soul is perfect, and the places it takes us is perfect, whether or not I recognize it in the moment. My story is about how my near-death experience led me to my “perfect” life. I trust that everything is in divine order and I live accordingly. Please join me, Kenneth Winfrey, LMSW on Sunday May 19 at 10:00 AM as I explore the absolute perfection of the soul.
Music by Susan Clark
Music Director Susan Clark is joined by
Lewis Winn on guitar/bass guitar and Jay Blea on drums/percussion
John Dillon and Vivian Nesbitt
John and Vivian will be filling in For Susan Clark this week.
They will Join Lewis Winn and Jay Blea.
To find out more about John and Vivian please go to this page
The Daily Meditation 05.18.2013
Peace Of Mind
Ernest Holmes, Our Founder
“Be still and know that I am God. I am the Christ, the Son of the Living God within me. I am the Principle of Peace within me. I am the manifestation of Love within me. My mind is poised in peace and beauty. All sense of fear or doubt is gone. I rest in calm trust and rely on the Law of Spirit to bring good into my experience.
I contend with none, argue with none, and am filled with wonderful peace and light. There is no uncertainty about my future and no fear as a result of my past. I live in an eternal Now which is filled with good alone. Goodness and beauty follow me. Peace and joy accompany me. Happiness and wholeness fill my entire being with the realization of love and perfection.
I am the Christ, the Son of the Living God within me. This inner mind of mine is now Divine and complete. It has no worries and no fears. It is whole, complete and satisfied. I look back over all previous experience and find that it was good, very good. I look toward the future and find that it is good, and very good. I look at the present and find that it is also good, and very good. God is in all, over all, and through all.
I am the Christ, the Son of the Living God within me. I am the spirit of confidence. I am poised in love and reason. I am the perfect law of truth and the complete presence of beauty …. I am the Christ, the Son of the Living God within me”.
Ernest Holmes, “Science Of Mind” page 264-265
Ernest Holmes, the Founder of our Philosophy and the Author of “Science Of Mind”.
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Prayer Request Email
The Spiritual Practitioners of the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual now offer a Prayer Email. The prayer email address is prayer@rgcsl.org . You may leave a prayer request or, if you want to pray directly with a Practitioner, leave your name and number and a Practitioner will call between 8am and 9 p.m.
What We Teach
We teach the Science of Mind, which is the study of Life and the nature of the laws of thought; the idea that we live in a Spiritual Universe; that God or Spirit is in, through, around us; and that this Presence is a loving source of all Good.
Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living
Connecting community to Spirit!
We recognize that an inherent desire in every individual is to realize the person God intended us to be. As we realize our true God selves, the greatest gift we can give another is to support him or her in becoming that God person too.
Most important, every man, woman and child who lives in the Universe is significant to the Creator. Our doors will forever be open to all…