Power has Arrived

Power has Arrived
by Tilia Giron, Chaplain and RScP

Tilia Giron, RScP - All is Love

Power has arrived and it is in me.
I can’t say I know where it came from
Other than that it is Spirit.
And so is everything.
I can’t say I know why it’s here precisely, what event or circumstance precipitated it.
All I know is there is a power resident within me and it is magnificent

And it tells me in a knowing that I cannot doubt, that I don’t even choose to question, that I have magnificence and I can do anything.

It’s like when I was a child and my dad told me that. I believed him then without question.
I now know again except that nobody has told me so.

Where did this power so delicious come from that has come to reside in me even for a moment?

Perhaps, it is from acceptance of my shadow self and shadow speak…
From allowing that shadow to present itself and not reject it or abandon it, and in so doing, not abandon me.

Perhaps, it comes from saying I will pick up the pieces of my broken self and move on even though I do not know quite honestly what I am moving on to. But, move on I shall.

And I shall conquer for I have Spirit with me. And I know my path lies with Spirit, of that there is no question.

So, I walk in the golden white light of Immaculate Presence and I shine and I shine the light of the Divine that rises with me and says, ‘Yes, here I am Life.’ ‘Come on in, I welcome you with my arms open.’

And so it is.