Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

Reminder from God

Reminder from God
by Tilia Giron, RScP

I am in the storm that just rolled in.
I am in the clouds that drift down the ragged jagged Granite slopes.
I am in the sun that insists on bursting through the dense gray heavy clouds weighted down with moisture – snow and ice.
I am in the sunlight that radiates and shines upon you as you pause.
I am in the fog that swiftly rolls  down these jagged cliffs enveloping all in its path of mist and mystery.
I am in the light.
And I am in the darkness.
I am all that is.
It is up to you to perceive me.
And it is up to you to engage me and to express me.
You are a part of me.
What form will It take for you today?
How will you express me and you?