Return to Spirit

Return to Spirit
by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP

I know when I have forgotten my oneness with Ever-Present Divine Spirit because I feel bad about myself or bad about the world. This is a sign I have forgotten who I really am – one with Spirit, and despite appearances Spirit has not abandoned me, as if that duality could even be real.

Coming back to Spirit, that is, remembering who I am, allows me to take a deep breath and go forward in my life. I remember that Spirit’s Goodness surrounds me and that its activity is in, as, and through me. I remember there are no mistakes, only learning experiences that I do not wish to repeat or feelings that I can see as false, that I have adopted because race consciousness or beliefs of the culture have made their way into my thoughts.

I turn my thoughts toward the good in the world, the beauty around me, the love and abundance in my life. Now I can feel all is well, that all is God’s Goodness and the rest we have made up through our free will. There certainly are problems in the world, but I am not one of them.

I am grateful for my life, for abundance, health, friendship, love, joy and peace. I know I can always return to the Divine and it is here waiting for me.