RGCSL Daily Insights
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM
Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought
We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.
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Today’s Insights
Question—If there is a Thinker behind all, who does the thinking, and if He is all good, why do we think evil?”
“ANSWER—There is but one Thinker and one Mind behind all. To think otherwise is to suppose duality, and duality cannot be. That this One is the essence of Goodness is necessary, else the universe would be self-destructive. That this One is the Original Cause is certain and that this Cause is a perfect Unit is self-evident.
Man exists in this One, but with perfect freed0m, since he is an individual with the power of selection or ch0ice, without which power there could be no real freedom. But man is on the pathway of unfoldment and does not yet fully comprehend his true nature. In ignorance of this nature he brings calamity upon himself through a misuse of the creative powers of his being. In reality God is the first Thinker, the true Cause. This Cause flows through man at the level of his comprehension of It. Man thinks limitation. The result which follows is n0t REAL limitation but an expression of his freedom, which freedom is so COMPLETE that it causes him to APPEAR limited. MAN IS BOUND BY HIS FREEDOM RATHER THAN BY ANY REAL BONDAGE.”
“To believe only in the good is to demonstrate that the good ALONE has real power.”
“It Operates Simply By Speaking”
– Ernest Holmes – ‘Science of Mind ‘
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