by Yvette Trujillo, RScP
What a wonderful day! As I settle into my chair, and look out the window I finally slow down. From this place I can recognize that I am feeling deeply peaceful and incredibly satisfied. It was a busy week and every nook and cranny of time seemed to be filled. Job well done! I showed up this week as uniquely me. I poured myself into all I did and I’m tired and simultaneously overjoyed! For the time being I have taken my eye off of any outcome or prize and I am simply living my best life right now. There is nowhere to get to and nothing that I need to attain. The fullness of satisfaction in this day has filled me up to overflowing. In this moment I lack for nothing. In this moment my eyes simply feast on the beautiful trees outside my door glistening with the fresh rain. Breathing In. Breathing out.
I take this experience as an example of what is possible, and I carry it forward into this new week knowing that I am filled with the same energy and vitality of the Divine mind of God that breathes me. I know that all I have to do this week is done easily and effortlessly. I know that every idea comes to me quickly and I process all that I have to do efficiently. I know that the genius of the universe flows through my thoughts, inspires my words and informs my body. I wake each day, pop out of bed ready to face the world! And every evening I lay my head down on the pillow deeply satisfied and at peace.
For this realization of the good that is always available to me and that is mine now, I am deeply grateful. Thank you spirit for allowing me to remember today the truth of who and whose I am. I surrender my word knowing that this is done. And so it is