Simply Take Time to Let Go Today
by Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP
Simply let go today. The release will be very calming and feel like a mountain of energy is lifted from your shoulders. Sit quietly, not doing anything but cherishing the moment and what it can bring. Remain aware of opportunities for transformation without seeking an outcome. You do not need to hope, fear, or interfere with the events around you. You can surrender to a sense of being, stepping aside from Spirit’s way. You will discover you are filled with possibilities. You must release and move with the energy flow from within.
And so it is with loving acceptance of our own power within to create, the experience is more perfect with gratitude and appreciation. Affirm, with a conviction of your faith, that you are free to choose God’s perfect divine order right here, right now!
As you give thanks for this gratefulness, for this divine order, for this God Desire for you and for all, call yourself blessed knowing that it is Divine. Let it all be, and let it be so. It is Divine!
And so it is.