Marilyn O'Leary, RScP

Speaking Words of Wisdom

Speaking Words of Wisdom
by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP

“When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom, let it be, let it be.” Paul McCartney said he wrote those famous words after his mother came to him in a dream. It reminded me of my mother coming to me in a dream after she passed, saying to me, Don’t worry about anything, ever. I know this is true wisdom coming from another plane because my mother worried about everything, always. I also know this is true because of what is supported from the teachings of Science of Mind, that God, Love, Goodness is All; that I am One with God, that we are all One, and that All is Well. There are infinite possibilities for our lives and numerous realities that we can live in. Let’s choose what we want to see and participate in today.

God is Love, and I choose Love. God is Abundance, and I choose Abundance. God is Health, and I choose Health. God is Power, and I choose Power. God is Beauty, and I choose Beauty. God is Prosperity, and I choose prosperity. God is Peace, and I choose Peace. God is Love, and I choose Love. God is Oneness, and I choose Oneness.

I choose this for me, for my family, for my communities. I choose the high road knowing that is where goodness and righteousness live. I lift up my eyes and my sight to the heavens knowing that is where I find all that I seek, and all that is seeking me.

I give thanks for the blessings of the universe that are mine. I give thanks for the workings of the law, for the law of attraction, for the law of circulation, for the law of reciprocation. I release my words to the law, knowing they must be fulfilled and manifested.

And so it is. Amen.