Russell Tobey Pope


by Russell Tobey Pope, RScP
Practitioner Emeritus

Take a few moments today to relax and surrender.

Let go of all plans, frustrations, thoughts of what needs to be done today and just BE.

Know with me the presents of Spirit all around and through all life and manifesting as you. Please know as I do this precious truth.

Now relax for a few moments and bask in this knowledge and warmth of Spirit.

Ever part of your body each atom cell and fiber is manifesting health and vitality. The abundance of the universe is yours to claim as you surrender to these truths. As Jesus so beautifully put it, “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” This is a kingdom of abundance, health, peace and importantly LOVE.
You are attracting the perfect people you desire into your life right now as you bathe in this consciousness.
Now go forth and LOVE yourself today.

Thank you, Spirit!

As you release these words know and believe they are true.