Your Day of AbundanceBy Tilia Giron, Chaplain, RScP Today is your day of abundance, of manifestation, absolute beauty, radiance, of the summit of joy beyond your possible imagination. Today is the day that the heavens open for you. Know within the depths – within the center of your soul –that you are indeed blessed, absolutely, absolutely blessed beyond your possible imagination to the fulfillment of all your dreams and even more. Even more goodness even …
Gratitude for Abundance
Gratitude for Abundanceby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP Heavenly Spirit, I am filled with gratitude for all the abundance in my life. I see Abundance everywhere – in all I was given by my parents as I was in their care, in the love and attention from my children, in the work and givingness of my husband, in the warmth and generosity of my siblings, in the beauty of nature all around me, in all that I …
Abundance for RGCSL
Abundance for RGCSLby Chris Duvall, RScP On behalf of RGCSL, its Ministers, Board of Directors, and Community, I invoke an Absolute Knowing of Innate Abundance along with Firm Belief in an Innate Ability to attract Good. To the extent that a change in perspective and experience is needed, I invoke the Highest, most Unifying, most Loving Newness-Producing Activity now. I am humbly aware that such Activity insists upon highest integrity and alignment; therefore, on behalf …
Gratitude for the Abundance
Gratitude for the Abundanceby Nancy Bowers, RScP “Your state of knowing is what manifests. Whatever you want, you need to get in the “knowing” of having it before it’ll appear in your life.” ~A. C. Winklier, A Conscious Creator’s Guidebook “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” ~ Anais Nin “Love is all there is. The rest we made up.” ~Rev. Patrick Pollard “You can attract only that which …
There’s So Much Happening!
There’s So Much Happening!by Yvette Trujillo, RScP God is all there is. Spirit flows in, around and through all that I can see and all that is invisible to me. Divine mind is that which operates everything in the Universe and as I look around, there’s so much happening! There are blades of grass coming up in amazing colors of green, there are leaves growing and filling in the trees and the birds, newly animated …
Gratitude for Abundance
Gratitude for AbundanceLiza Kerr, RScP This has been an extraordinary year for snowfall and rain in our desert oasis of New Mexico. Today I give gratitude for the abundance of white purifying snow that is covering the ground glistening in the morning sun. I know that this snow will replenish the water supply when it sinks into the earth and help to sustain the cycle of life. I know that the snow that I see …
Rejoice in the New Year
Rejoice in the New Yearby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP This is the time to Rejoice. Rejoice for God is. God is in me and in you and in every living thing. And at this time of the year, especially as the old departs and the new is about to enter, we are given beautiful tools of Spirit to help guide us alone the way and enlighten our path. Rejoice. For with the winter solstice, the …
All is Well
All Is Wellby Kathy Mathiason, RScP I know that there is only One Love, One power, One presence in the Universe. It is the Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent Love of the One, the Beloved One I call God. As God is everywhere present in the Universe, I claim that as God is, I am. There is no separation. So, in the sacred space at this sacred time, knowing all is well, I release any fear of …
Prayer for Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living
Prayer for Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living by Marylyn Kirk, RScP All that is, is God/Spirit. God is infinite, indivisible, and absolute and is in and through everything. This one life that is God, is what I am! This immediate presence of Spirit flows in, as, through and around me. I understand that I am a part of this amazing Spirit. The thoughts that I think come from Source Energy and are realized in …
In Community Together
In Community Togetherby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries I recognize the Beautiful Presence that is the One Loving Source, expressing in all people, places, and times. God is this One Loving Source, the Divine that Is. The joy, abundance, profundity, and bounty of this life are all connected in Spirit through people and communities just like the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living. There is no separation between us, amongst us, or in …