Affirmations of Beingby Nancy Bowers, RScP I am committed to living in Love. I am committed to choosing Peace over fear. I am committed to allowing the Holy Spirit to run my life. I am committed to forgiving the appearance of what displeases me. I am committed to letting go of judgment. I am committed to the strength of God and I choose it over the ego’s scared voice. I am committed to allowing God …
A Prayer for Balance
A Prayer for Balanceby Marilyn C. O’Leary Sitting in the silence that is All-good, and knowing I am one with the Good, I affirm: Let me not be superficial. Let me not dwell on appearances. Let me not worry about money, but know that I am abundant. Ease from me fear, envy, loneliness. Fill me with love and peace. Let me appreciate my life and the time I have in this body. Let me approach …
Accepting Loss
Accepting Loss by Marylyn Kirk, RScP What I know is that there is only one eternal loving presence. It fills the universe, and it is everywhere present, now and always. Spirit is everywhere, in the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown. This presence is the power of God/Love/Life, expressing in, through and as form. I recognize Spirit as limitless, that is everywhere present and available 24/7. I know that I am a …
Affirmations for Healing
Affirmations for Healing by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP It is natural for my body to be well. Even if I don’t know what to do to get better, my body does. I have trillions of cells with individual consciousness, and they know how to achieve their individual balance. When this condition began, I didn’t know what I know now. If I had known then what I know now, this condition couldn’t have gotten started. I don’t …
Self Confidence
Self Confidence Marylyn Kirk, RScP There is only one loving presence. This presence is the foundation of life, and the sustainer of all. This presence is an expression of the essence of the Universe, which I call Spirit. It is everywhere without exception, in the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown. The Truth is that I am created in the spiritual image and out of the spiritual likeness of God, the “Eternal …
RGCSL Daily Insights – The Use of Affirmations
RGCSL Daily Insights Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM Around the year with Ernest Holmes Compiled by Serving New Thought We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this. Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights You will find a new and wonderful insight! The insight for today: “THE USE OF AFFIRMATIONS” “THE affirmation is the great weapon of the healer; it is in alignment with the way of the original creative spirit …
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