Life is Happening

Life is Happeningby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Senior Minister Everywhere is Spirit. All things, all places, all people are the physical evidence of the One Life expressing Itself. This Life is happening as me and as my experience – It is your life and your experience – there is nothing outside this Life. I know that this Life is Good and Very Good and that all things experienced are a result of this Life. Abundance and …

God is Divine Love

God is Divine Loveby Rev. Tammi Lambert The Supreme God is Divine Love, the energy and living force behind all that exists, and this Love manifests as Compassion, Oneness, Peace, Joy and Generosity. There is no other truth other than the power of Divine Love, which is the Cause behind all that is. I am created in the image of the Creator, and as a child of the Divine, I create with that Divine Energy …

One Life

One Lifeby Chris Duvall, RScP If we were fully ready to receive our heart’s desire, we would already have it. (Ellen Grace O’Brian) Where and when God finds you ready, God must act and overflow into you, just as when the air is clean and pure, the sun must overflow into it and cannot refrain from doing so (Meister Eckhart) There is One Life, That Life is God’s Life, That Life is Perfect, That Life …

Treatment for Inspiration

Treatment for Inspirationby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God is all there is. God is the Ultimate Reality. God is the Beginning with no beginning, the End with no end. God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent. God is Beauty, Art, Creativity, Music, Joy, Love. God is color, painting, poetry, song, laughter, happiness, warmth, kindness. I am One with God. God is closer to me than my breath. God is in every cell of my being. God acts in …

The Gift of Knowing

The Gift of Knowingby Chaplain Tilia Giron RScP I delight in the Love of The Divine.I relish in the Source of my Being.I know from whence I came.I bless this knowing. I bless all that brought me to it for the gift of this knowing is far greater than the pain in arriving at this place. I am blessed.We are all blessed —knowing or unknowing. However, it is in the knowing that we are able …

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Treasuring the Bounty

Treasuring the Bountyby Nancy Bowers, RScP “Take from His storehouse, that its treasures may increase. His lilies do not leave their home when they are carried back into the world. Their roots remain. They do not leave their source, but carry its beneficence with them, and turn the world into a garden like the one they came from, and to which they go again with added fragrance. Now are they twice blessed. The messages they …

God Is

God Isby Rev. Karen Linsley, M.A., Interim Minister God is. It simply is. And I find great comfort in that fact. I also know that God not on is but It is everywhere present in and as all things. And I know that all things are here as creations of god and for god and as god. And so I know too that I am a creation of god and for god and as god. …

A Recipe for a Day of Self-Love

A Recipe for a Day of Self-Loveby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP At the beginning of each day, as part of your beginning prayer/meditation time, send to yourself love, and grace, welcoming all the blessings available to you this day. Send love and blessings as well to all your anticipated projects, or commitments, along with a parcel of joy, ease, strength, and success. Ask yourself as you go about your day.Who or What am I valuing …

My Thoughts Creates My World

My Thought Creates My Worldby Kathy Mathiason, RScP The Creative Mind of God is my mind, now. And I am so grateful that this is so.When I consciously use the Creative Mind of God my thoughts bring forth what I desire and I am blessed. I have the ability to change everything and anything that I so choose in my life. What I can conceive, I receive. So I know right ideas come to me to …